Tutorial: Toolbars


Titlebar Text

All Views by default have a Title bar defined and the text shown is controlled with the Views titleText property.

1. Open the Home View: src/Views/Home.js.

2. Find the titleText property and change it to read Hello World!:

titleText: 'Hello World!',

3. Save and refresh your browser.

Toolbar Hello

Upon refreshing you should the title text at the top change to Hello World!, this property provides the most basic way of setting the title.

Adding a Toolbar Item

It's not much of a toolbar without a toolbar item!

1. Go back to within Home.js and locate the createToolLayout function

2. It currently is defining this.tools to be an object with the tbar key to an empty array

3. The key tbar refers to the title bar and is explicitly setting it to have no items, but let's add a new object in that array

4. Give that object the following properties: id, icon, title and action. Set to myButton, content/images/icons/add_24.png, Hello and onHello respectfully:

createToolLayout: function() {
    return this.tools || (this.tools = {
        tbar: [{
            id: 'myButton',
            icon: 'content/images/icons/add_24.png',
            title: 'Hello',
            action: 'onHello'

5. Add a new function to the view named onHello and have it show an alert box with a message:

onHello: function() {
    alert('Hello Dave!');

6. Save and reload your app

Adding Toolbar Item

You should now have a big green plus sign on the right hand side of your Titlebar, and on click it should run the onHello function. To go a bit deeper into each property:

id: '', // a unique id for this item, will be used for referencing
icon: '', // path to image to display
title: '', // use for ARIA conformance
action: '', // string of the function name of the current view to run on click
fn: function, // instead of action you can point to a function to run directly, or define inline
scope: object // the scope to call the fn function if defined, defaults to current view

Toolbar Item Sided-ness

As noted in Adding a Toolbar, the new item automatically went to the right side -- what if we wanted it to be on the left?

  1. Go back to your custom button and add a new property key side and set it to left:

    tbar: [{ id: 'myButton', icon: 'content/images/icons/add_24.png', title: 'Hello', action: 'onHello', side: 'left' }]

2. Save and reload

Since the Titlebar supports the side property it added the appropriate CSS class to move the toolbar item visually.

Custom Markup

Since the Titlebar only supports icon-only items out the box you may wish to pass in your own markup to use. Note that in order for the toolbar item to function there needs to be a button element with data-action="invokeTool" and data-tool="{%= $.id %}".

1. In Home.js add a new property to the view itself called textOnlyToolTemplate and set it as:

textOnlyToolTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<button class="button toolButton toolButton-{%= $.side || "right" %} {%= ($$.enabled) ? "" : "toolButton-disabled" %} {%= $.cls %}"',
            'data-action="invokeTool" data-tool="{%= $.id %}"',
            'aria-label="{%: $.title || $.id %}">',
        '<span>{%: $.text %}</span>',

2. Then add the template property to your custom tool item and set it to this.textOnlyToolTemplate

3. Also add the text property and set it to Click:

tbar: [{
   id: 'myButton',
   icon: 'content/images/icons/add_24.png',
   title: 'Hello',
   action: 'onHello',
   side: 'left',
   template: this.textOnlyToolTemplate,
   text: 'Click'

4. Save and reload.

The green plus should have disappeared and been replaced with the word Click. It should still show up on the left side and function as normal. The template property overrides the default Simplate used to define the tool item markup.

Footer text

All the previous exercises have focused on the title bar, which derives from the MainToolbar class in argos-template/src/Views/MainToolbar.js (which in turn inherits MainToolbar from argos-sdk). The bottom footer bar on the other hand is defined in argos-template/src/Views/FooterToolbar and has slightly different properties - namely copyrightText and already supporting text in the items.

First we will change the copyright text:

1. Open argos-template/src/Views/FooterToolbar.js and find the property copyrightText.

2. Change it to read Free for the world.

// Localization
copyrightText: 'Free for the world',

3. Save and reload

The text in the footer changed to our new string, notice however that the Views have no ties to the copyrightText as it is assumed the footer to be fairly static in regards to copyright.

Footer items

The footer tool items, however, are customized just like the Title bar items are. Let's move our custom button down to the right side of the footer bar.

1. Open Home.js and go to the createToolLayout function

2. Set a new key to the this.tools object named fbar and set it to an empty array:

return this.tools || (this.tools = {
    tbar: [/*snipped*/],
    fbar: []

3. Cut your tool item out of the tbar array into the fbar array

4. Delete the template and text properties

5. Change the side property to right

return this.tools || (this.tools = {
    tbar: [],
    fbar: [{
        id: 'myButton',
        icon: 'content/images/icons/add_24.png',
        title: 'Hello',
        action: 'onHello',
        side: 'right'

6. Save and reload

Your tool item should now show up on the right side of the footer bar, with icon and text displayed. Notice that the footerbar default tool template uses the title property for setting text.