Tutorial: Edit


This topic will cover editing an existing record. The Edit View is a dual-purpose in that in serves as creating new records as well as updating existing records, both have unique data flows and properties.

When creating the navigation options in the previous view you have two ways to signal we are Updating an existing record:

1. Pass in options.entry as the entry to update.

2. Pass in options.key which will then be used to request the entry from SData and then applied as initial data.

Function Order Overview

  • show(options, transition options)
  • onShow()
  • refreshRequiredFor(options)
  • getTag()
  • getContext()
  • ReUI.show()
  • load()
  • App._beforeViewTransitionTo(view)
  • onBeforeTransitionTo()
  • Transition happens
  • App._viewTransitionTo()
  • getTools()
  • createToolLayout()
  • transitionTo()
  • refresh()
  • clearValues()
  • requestTemplate()
  • createTemplateRequest()
  • onTransitionTo()
  • Navigation state applied and saved
  • onRequestTemplateSuccess()
  • processTemplateEntry(template)
  • convertEntry(template)
  • setValues(values)
  • applyFieldDefaults()
  • applyContext()

Functions in Detail

  • show(options, transition options) - show is called with the navigation options, first it fires onShow() then checks to see if refreshRequiredFor(options) is true and sets this.refreshRequired = true if it is. Then it saves the nav options to this.options and sets the title bar to options.title if present. Lastly it calls ReUI.show() passing the transition options. this.getTag() and this.getContext().

  • onShow() - fired.

  • refreshRequiredFor(options) - If options were passed it returns true - unless the options.key matches this.options.key in which case it returns false.

  • getTag() - returns empty.

  • getContext() - returns an object with resourceKind set to this.resourceKind, insert set to true and key set to false.

  • ReUI.show() - ReUI will now handle the transition.

  • load() - fires.

  • App._beforeViewTransitionTo(view) this is at the Application (window.App) level and it handles calling the before transition functions and it clears out all the toolbars.

  • onBeforeTransitionTo() is fired, since this.options.inserting is true it will add the panel-loading class to the View which shows a spinner.

  • ReUI applies CSS transition effect

  • App._viewTransitionTo() - handles all ReUI transitionTos and first gets the tools from a) view.options.tools or from view.getTools() or sets to blank {}. The tools are then passed to each toolbar by calling the toolbars showTools(tools) function.

  • getTools() - this calls this.createToolLayout() and passes the result to the customization engine for the tools header.

  • createToolLayout() - this should define and return this.tools which is an object where the keys are the names of the toolbars and the values are array of toolbar item definitions.

  • transitionTo() - the transition effect has now finished and you will see an empty Detail screen. This functions checks if this.refreshRequired is true and if it is, sets it to false and calls this.refresh().

  • refresh() - All the magic happens here for Edit views. First it clears the following properties:

    • this.entry;
    • this.changes;
    • this.inserting - to this.options.insert or false; and
    • calls clearValues() which loops through all the this.fields and calls there field.clearValue().

      Now it checks if we have a passed entry via this.options.entry and if we do to call processEntry(entry) and then check for changes and call setValues(changes) as dirty data. If instead we were passed a key via this.options.key we make a request: requestData().

  • requestData() - creates a request via this.createRequest() and calls request.read() sending success to onRequestDataSuccess and failures to onRequestDataFailure.

  • createRequest() - an Sage.SData.Client.SDataSingleResourceRequest is created using the following properties:

    • this.entry['$key'] or this.options['key'] => request.setResourceSelector
    • this.contractName => request.setContractName
    • this.resourceKind => request.setResourceKind
    • this.querySelect => request.setQueryArg
    • this.queryInclude => request.setQueryArg
    • this.queryOrderBy => request.setQueryArg
  • onTransitionTo() - fires

  • Navigation state is cleaned up and saved to local storage

  • onRequestDataSuccess(entry) - is passed with the entry and simple passes it on to processEntry, then it applies this.options.changes as modified data. Now it meets up as if we had passed an entry via navigation options.

  • processEntry(entry) - sets this.entry to the entry and calls setValues(changes, true) (unmodified data) and removes the panel-loading set earlier.

  • setValues(values, initial) - it loops over the this.fields if the field is hidden (by checking field.isHidden()) it is skipped. If a field has applyTo defined it tries to get the applyTo property out of the supplied values, else it tries the field.property (or field.name if property is not defined). If a value is found it is then applied to the field via field.setValue(value, true) meaning it is an initial - "clean" value.

  • Edit View is now finished loading and is fully interactive.


  • this.fields - object where each key is a fields name and the value being the corresponding field.
  • this.options - the navigation options, where you will find entry, template, changes, insert, and other values to base decisions off of.
  • this.entry - the entry, either requested or the passed in options.
  • this.domNode - the main <div> element of the Edit View.