Source: argos-sdk/src/Views/Signature.js

/* Copyright (c) 2010, Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';
import win from 'dojo/window';
import format from '../Format';
import View from '../View';
import getResource from '../I18n';

const resource = getResource('signature');

 * @class argos.Views.Signature
 * @classdesc Signature View is a view tailored to present an HTML5 canvas that has signature-recording capabilities.
 * It goes hand-in-hand with {@link SignatureField SignatureField}
 * @extends argos.View
 * @requires argos.Format
const __class = declare('argos.Views.Signature', [View], /** @lends argos.Views.Signature# */{
  // Localization
   * @property {String}
   * Text shown in the top toolbar header
  titleText: resource.titleText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text shown in the clear button
  clearCanvasText: resource.clearCanvasText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text shown in the undo button
  undoText: resource.undoText,

  // Templates
   * @property {Simplate}
   * Simplate that defines the HTML Markup
   * * `$` => Signature view instance
  widgetTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div id="{%= $.id %}" title="{%: $.titleText %}" class="panel {%= $.cls %}">',
    '{%! $.canvasTemplate %}',
    '<div class="buttons">',
    '<button class="button" data-action="_undo"><span>{%: $.undoText %}</span></button>',
    '<button class="button" data-action="clearValue"><span>{%: $.clearCanvasText %}</span></button>',
   * @property {Simplate}
   * Simplate that defines the canvas with a set width and height
  canvasTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<canvas data-dojo-attach-point="signatureNode" width="{%: $.canvasNodeWidth %}" height="{%: $.canvasNodeHeight %}" data-dojo-attach-event="onmousedown:_penDown,onmousemove:_penMove,onmouseup:_penUp,ontouchstart:_penDown,ontouchmove:_penMove,ontouchend:_penUp"></canvas>',
   * @property {HTMLElement}
   * The dojo-attach-point for the canvas element
  signatureNode: null,

  // View Properties
   * @property {String}
   * The unique view id
  id: 'signature_edit',
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Flag that may be used to control if the view is shown in configurable lists
  expose: false,
   * @property {Number[][]}
   * Stores series of x,y coordinates in the format of: `[[0,0],[1,5]]`
  signature: [],
   * @property {Number[][]}
   * Collection of the touchmove positions
  trace: [],
   * @property {Object}
   * Stores where the last drawn point was
  lastpos: {
    x: -1,
    y: -1,
   * @cfg {Object}
   * Stores the passed options for: `scale`, `lineWidth`, `penColor` and `drawColor`.
  config: {
    scale: 1,
    lineWidth: 3,
    penColor: 'blue',
    drawColor: 'red',
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Flag for determining if the pen is in "down" state.
  isPenDown: false,
   * @property {Object}
   * The stored 2d context of the canvas node
  context: null,
   * @property {Number[][]}
   * Used to temporarily store the signature
  buffer: [],
   * @cfg {Number}
   * Starting default width of canvas, will be re-sized when the view is shown.
  canvasNodeWidth: 360,
   * @cfg {Number}
   * Starting default height of canvas, will be re-sized when the view is shown.
  canvasNodeHeight: 120,

  show: function show(options) {

    if (options && options.lineWidth) {
      this.config.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;

    if (options && options.penColor) {
      this.config.penColor = options.penColor;

    if (options && options.drawColor) {
      this.config.drawColor = options.drawColor;

    this.signature = (options && options.signature) ? options.signature : [];

    this.context = this.signatureNode.getContext('2d');
    $(window).on('resize', this.onResize.bind(this));

    this.redraw(this.signature, this.signatureNode, this.config);
   * Returns the optimized signature array as a JSON string
   * @return {String}
  getValues: function getValues() {
    return JSON.stringify(this.optimizeSignature());
   * Sets the current value and draws it.
   * @param {String} val JSON-stringified Number[][] of x-y coordinates
   * @param initial Unused.
  setValue: function setValue(val/* , initial*/) {
    this.signature = val ? JSON.parse(val) : [];
    this.redraw(this.signature, this.signatureNode, this.config);
   * Clears the value and saves the buffer
  clearValue: function clearValue() {
    this.buffer = this.signature;
    this.setValue('', true);
   * Returns pointer pixel coordinates [x,y] relative to canvas object
   * @param {Event} e
   * @return Number[]
  _getCoords: function _getCoords(e) {
    const offset = $(this.signatureNode).position();
    return e.touches ? [
      e.touches[0].pageX - offset.left,
      e.touches[0].pageY -,
    ] : [
      e.clientX - offset.left,
      e.clientY -,
   * Handler for `ontouchstart`, records the starting point and sets the state to down
   * @param {Event} e
  _penDown: function _penDown(e) {
    this.isPenDown = true;
    this.lastpos = this._getCoords(e);
    this.context.lineWidth = this.config.lineWidth;
    this.context.strokeStyle = this.config.drawColor;
   * Handler for `ontouchmove`, draws the lines between the last postition and current position
   * @param {Event} e
  _penMove: function _penMove(e) {
    if (!this.isPenDown) {

    this.pos = this._getCoords(e);
    this.context.moveTo(this.lastpos[0], this.lastpos[1]);
    this.context.lineTo(this.pos[0], this.pos[1]);
    this.lastpos = this.pos;
   * Handler for `ontouchend`, saves the final signature and redraws the canvas
   * @param e
  _penUp: function _penUp(e) {
    this.isPenDown = false;
    if (this.trace.length) {

    this.trace = [];
    this.context.strokeStyle = this.config.penColor;
    this.redraw(this.signature, this.signatureNode, this.config);
   * Undoes the last pen down-to-pen up line by using the buffer
  _undo: function _undo() {
    if (this.signature.length) {
      this.buffer = this.signature.pop();
      if (!this.signature.length) {
        this.buffer = [this.buffer];
    } else if (this.buffer.length) {
      this.signature = this.buffer;
    this.redraw(this.signature, this.signatureNode, this.config);
   * Sets the canvas width/height based on the size of the window/screen
  _sizeCanvas: function _sizeCanvas() {
    this.canvasNodeWidth = Math.floor(win.getBox().w * 0.92);

    this.canvasNodeHeight = Math.min(
      Math.floor(this.canvasNodeWidth * 0.5),
      win.getBox().h - $('.toolbar').get(0).offsetHeight

    this.signatureNode.width = this.canvasNodeWidth;
    this.signatureNode.height = this.canvasNodeHeight;
   * Calls {@link #_sizeCanvas _sizeCanvas} to size the canvas itself then it also scales the
   * drawn signature accordingly to the ratio.
   * @param e
  onResize: function onResize(/* e*/) {
    const oldWidth = this.canvasNodeWidth;
    const oldHeight = this.canvasNodeHeight;

    const newScale = Math.min(
      this.canvasNodeWidth / oldWidth,
      this.canvasNodeHeight / oldHeight

    this.signature = this.rescale(newScale);
    this.redraw(this.signature, this.signatureNode, this.config);
   * Calls {@link format#canvasDraw format.canvasDraw} which clears and draws the vectors
   * @param {Number[][]} vector The x-y coordinates of the points
   * @param {HTMLElement} canvas Canvas to be drawn to
   * @param {Object} options Options to be passed to canvasDraw
  redraw: function redraw(vector, canvas, options) {
    format.canvasDraw(vector, canvas, options);
   * Loops through the vector points in the signature and applies the given scale ratio
   * @param {Number} scale Ratio in which to multiply the vector point
   * @return {Number[][]} Rescaled signature array
  rescale: function rescale(scale) {
    const rescaled = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.signature.length; i++) {
      for (let j = 0; j < this.signature[i].length; j++) {
          this.signature[i][j][0] * scale,
          this.signature[i][j][1] * scale,
    return rescaled;
   * Loops the signature calling optimize on each pen down-to-pen up segment
   * @return {Number[][]} Optimized signature
  optimizeSignature: function optimizeSignature() {
    const optimized = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < this.signature.length; i++) {

    return optimized;
   * Attempts to remove points by comparing the x/y variation between the two and
   * removing points within a certain threshold.
   * @param {Number[]} vector Array of x,y coordinates to optimize
   * @return {Number[]} Optimized array
  optimize: function optimize(vector) {
    if (vector.length < 2) {
      return vector;

    const result = [];
    const minA = 0.95;
    const maxL = 15.0; // 15.0, 10.0 works well
    let rootP = vector[0];
    let lastP = vector[1];
    let rootV = [lastP[0] - rootP[0], lastP[1] - rootP[1]];
    let rootL = Math.sqrt(rootV[0] * rootV[0] + rootV[1] * rootV[1]);

    for (let i = 2; i < vector.length; i++) {
      const currentP = vector[i];
      const currentV = [currentP[0] - rootP[0], currentP[1] - rootP[1]];
      const currentL = Math.sqrt(currentV[0] * currentV[0] + currentV[1] * currentV[1]);
      const dotProduct = (rootV[0] * currentV[0] + rootV[1] * currentV[1]) / (rootL * currentL);

      if (dotProduct < minA || currentL > maxL) {
        rootP = lastP;
        lastP = currentP;
        rootV = [lastP[0] - rootP[0], lastP[1] - rootP[1]];
        rootL = Math.sqrt(rootV[0] * rootV[0] + rootV[1] * rootV[1]);
      } else {
        lastP = currentP;


    return result;

export default __class;