Source: argos-sdk/src/TabWidget.js

import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';
import _Templated from './_Templated';

 * @class argos.TabWidget
const __class = declare('argos.TabWidget', [_Templated], /** @lends argos.TabWidget# */{
   * @property {Simplate}
   * HTML that defines a new tab list
  tabContentTemplate: new Simplate([
    '{%! $.tabContainerTemplate %}',
   * @property {Simplate}
   * HTML that defines a new tab list
  tabContainerTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="tab-container horizontal" data-dojo-attach-point="tabContainer"><div>',
  tabListTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<ul class="tab-list"></ul>',
   * @property {Simplate}
   * HTML that defines a new tab to be placed in the tab list
  tabListItemTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<li class="tab" role="presentation">',
    '<a href="#{%: $$.id %}_{%: $.name %}">{%: ($.title || $.options.title) %}</a>',
   * @property {li}
   * Current tab (html element li) that the view is on
  currentTab: null,
   * @property {int}
   * int value representing the index at which the default tab is located
  defaultTabIndex: null,
   * @property {Array}
   * Mapping of tab to the section
  tabMapping: null,
   * @property {Array}
   * Array holding the tab dom elements
  tabs: null,

  _sohoTabs: null,
   * Sets the parentNode for the tabList
  placeTabList: function placeTabList(parentNode = {}) {
    if (!this.tabContainer.parentNode && this.isTabbed) {
      this.tabMapping = [];
      this.tabs = [];
    return this;
   * Function used to create the tabs, should be called by the parent upon completion of populating the tabs array of dom objects
   * @param {Array} An array of the tab objects.
  createTabs: function createTabs(tabs = []) {
    this.tabList = $(this.tabListTemplate.apply(this));
    $(tabs).each((i, tab) => {

    const tempTabs = $(this.tabContainer).tabs();
    this._sohoTabs ='tabs');
    return this;
   * Function used to clear the tabs, should be called by the parent on it's clear call
  clearTabs: function clearTabs() {
    if (this.tabList && this.tabs) {
      try {
      } catch (ex) {
        console.warn(ex); // eslint-disable-line
      $('.tab-panel', this.tabContainer).remove();
    if (this.tabMapping) {
      this.tabs = [];
      this.tabMapping = [];
      this.tabMoreIndex = null;
    return this;

export default __class;