Source: argos-sdk/src/SelectionModel.js

import lang from 'dojo/_base/lang';
import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';
import getResource from './I18n';

const resource = getResource('selectionModel');

 * @class argos.SelectionModel
 * @classdesc SelectionModel provides a simple in-memory store for data that fires events
 * when a item is selected (added) or deselected (removed)
const __class = declare('argos.SelectionModel', null, /** @lends argos.SelectionModel# */{
  // Localization
  requireSelectionText: resource.requireSelectionText,

   * @property {Boolean}
   * Flag to indicate a selection is required.
  requireSelection: false,
   * @property {Number}
   * Number of selections
  count: 0,
   * @property {Object}
   * Collection of selections where the key is the selections key
  selections: null,
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Flag that determines how to clear:
   * True: Deselect is called on every item, firing onDeselect for each and firing onClear at the end
   * False: Collection is immediately wiped and only onClear is fired
  clearAsDeselect: true,
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Flag that control the firing of action events: onSelect, onDeselect, onClear
  _fireEvents: true,
   * Initializes the selections to be empty and mixes the passed object overriding any default properties.
   * @param {Object} options The object to be mixed in.
   * @constructs
  constructor: function constructor(options) {
    this.selections = {};

    lang.mixin(this, options);
   * Prevents the firing of action events: onSelect, onDeselect, onClear
  suspendEvents: function suspendEvents() {
    this._fireEvents = false;
   * Enables the firing of action events:  onSelect, onDeselect, onClear
  resumeEvents: function resumeEvents() {
    this._fireEvents = true;
   * Event that happens when an item is selected/added.
   * @param {String} key Unique identifier string
   * @param {Object} data The item stored
   * @param tag
   * @param self
   * @template
  onSelect: function onSelect(/* key, data, tag, self*/) {},
   * Event that happens when an item is deselected/removed.
   * @param {String} key Unique identifier string
   * @param {Object} data The item removed
   * @param tag
   * @param self
   * @template
  onDeselect: function onDeselect(/* key, data, tag, self*/) {},
   * Event that happens when the store is cleared
   * @param self
  onClear: function onClear(/* self*/) {},
   * Adds an item to the `selections` if it is not already stored.
   * @param {String} key Unique identifier string
   * @param {Object} data The item being selected
   * @param tag
  select: function select(key, data, tag) {
    if (!this.selections.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      this.selections[key] = {
      if (this._fireEvents) {
        this.onSelect(key, data, tag, this);
   * Adds an item to the `selections` if it is not already stored, if it is
   * stored, then it deselects (removes) the item.
   * @param {String} key Unique identifier string
   * @param {Object} data The item being selected
   * @param tag
  toggle: function toggle(key, data, tag) {
    if (this.isSelected(key)) {
    } else {, data, tag);
   * Removes an item from the store
   * @param {String} key Unique identifier string that was given when the item was added
  deselect: function deslect(key) {
    if (this.requireSelection && this.count === 1) {

    if (this.selections.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      const selection = this.selections[key];

      delete this.selections[key];

      if (this._fireEvents) {
        this.onDeselect(key,, selection.tag, this);
   * Removes all items from the store
  clear: function clear() {
    const original = this.requireSelection;

    if (this.clearAsDeselect) {
      this.requireSelection = false;
      for (const key in this.selections) {
        if (this.selections.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

      this.requireSelection = original;
    } else {
      this.selections = {};
      this.count = 0;

    if (this._fireEvents) {
   * Determines if the given key is in the selections collection.
   * @param {String} key Unique identifier string that was given when the item was added
   * @return {Boolean} True if the item is in the store.
  isSelected: function isSelected(key) {
    return !!this.selections[key];
   * Returns the number of items in the store
   * @return {Number} Current count of items
  getSelectionCount: function getSelectionCount() {
    return this.count;
   * Returns all items in the store
   * @return {Object} The entire selection collection
  getSelections: function getSelections() {
    return this.selections;
   * Returns a list of unique identifier keys used in the selection collection
   * @return {String[]} All keys in the store
  getSelectedKeys: function getSelectedKeys() {
    return Object.keys(this.selections).filter((key) => {
      return this.selections.hasOwnProperty(key);

export default __class;