Source: argos-sdk/src/Format.js

/* Copyright (c) 2010, Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import lang from 'dojo/_base/lang';
import string from 'dojo/string';
import getResource from './I18n';

const format = ICRMCommonSDK.format;
const resource = getResource('format');
const dtFormatResource = getResource('formatDateTimeFormat');

 * @class argos.Format
 * @classdesc Format is a singleton that provides various formatting functions.
 * @singleton
const __class = lang.setObject('argos.Format', /** @lends argos.Format */{
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #yesNo yesNo} formatter for true values
  yesText: resource.yesText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #yesNo yesNo} formatter for false values
  noText: resource.noText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #bool bool} formatter for true values
  trueText: resource.trueText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #bool bool} formatter for false values
  falseText: resource.falseText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #timespan timespan} formatter for more than one hour
  hoursText: resource.hoursText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #timespan timespan} formatter for exactly one hour
  hourText: resource.hourText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #timespan timespan} formatter for more than one minute
  minutesText: resource.minutesText,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in {@link #timespan timespan} formatter for exactly one minute
  minuteText: resource.minuteText,

  shortDateFormatText: dtFormatResource.shortDateFormatText,

   * @property {String}
   * format string for percent
   * * `${0}` - percent value
   * * `${1}` - percent synmbol "%"
  percentFormatText: resource.percentFormatText,
   * Takes a String and encodes `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, `'`, and `/` to HTML entities
   * @param {String} String to encode
   * @return {String} Html encoded string
  encode: format.encode,
   * Takes a String and decodes `&`, `<`, `>`, `"` from HTML entities back to the character
   * @param {String} String to decode
   * @return {String} Html decoded string
  decode: format.decode,
   * Determines if the given item is an empty string or empty arry
   * @param {String/Array} Item to check if empty
   * @return {Boolean} If passed item is empty
  isEmpty: format.isEmpty,
   * @property {String}
   * Text used in file size  formatter
  bytesText: resource.bytesText,
   * @property {Object[]}
   * Array of objects that have the keys `test` and `format` where `test` is a RegExp that
   * matches the phone grouping and `format` is the string format to be replaced.
   * The RegExp may have capture groups but when you are defining the format strings use:
   * * `${0}` - original value
   * * `${1}` - cleaned value
   * * `${2}` - entire match (against clean value)
   * * `${3..n}` - match groups (against clean value)
   * The `clean value` is taking the inputted numbers/text and removing any non-number
   * and non-"x" and it replaces A-Z to their respective phone number character.
   * The three default formatters are:
   * * `nnn-nnnn`
   * * `(nnn)-nnn-nnnn`
   * * `(nnn)-nnn-nnnxnnnn`
   * If you plan to override this value make sure you include the default ones provided.
  phoneFormat: format.phoneFormat,
   * Takes a url string and wraps it with an `<a>` element with `href=` pointing to the url.
   * @param {String} val Url string to be wrapped
   * @return {String} An `<a>` element as a string.
  link: function link(val) {
    return, window.navigator.standalone);
   * Takes an email string and wraps it with an `<a>` element with `href="mailto:"` pointing to the email.
   * @param {String} val Email string to be wrapped
   * @return {String} An `<a>` element as a string.
  mail: format.mail,
   * Removes whitespace from from and end of string
   * @param {String} val String to be trimmed
   * @return {String} String without space on either end
  trim: format.trim,
   * Takes a date and format string and returns the formatted date as a string.
   * @param {Date/String} val Date to be converted. If string is passed it is converted to a date using {@link convert#toDateFromString Converts toDateFromString}.
   * @param {String} fmt Format string following [datejs formatting](
   * @param {Boolean} utc If a date should be in UTC time set this flag to true to counter-act javascripts built-in timezone applier.
   * @return {String} Date formatted as a string.
  date: function date(val, fmt, utc) {
    const value =, utc);
    const m = moment(value);
    if (m) {
      const formattedDate = m.format(fmt || argos.Format.shortDateFormatText);
      if (m.isValid()) {
        return formattedDate;
    return '';
   * Takes a number and decimal place and floors the number to that place:
   * `fixed(5.555, 0)` => `5`
   * `fixed(5.555, 2)` => `5.55`
   * `fixed(5.555, 5)` => `5.555`
   * @param {Number/String} val The value will be `parseFloat` before operating.
   * @param {Number} d Number of decimals places to keep, defaults to 2 if not provided.
   * @return {Number} Fixed number.
  fixed: format.fixed,
   * Takes a decimal number, multiplies by 100 and adds the % sign with the number of palces to the right.
   * `perecent(0.35)` => `'35.00%'`
   * `perecent(0.35, 0)` => `'35%'`
   * `percent(2.9950)` => `'299.50%'`
   * `percent(2.9950,0)` => `'300%'`
   * @param {Number/String} val The value will be `parseFloat` before operating.
   * @param {Number/String} places If no value is given the default value will be set to 2.
   * @return {String} Number as a percentage with % sign.
  percent: function percent(val, places) {
    return format.percent(
      (num) => {
        return string.substitute(argos.Format.percentFormatText, [num, Mobile.CultureInfo.numberFormat.percentSymbol]);
   * Takes a boolean value and returns the string Yes or No for true or false
   * @param {Boolean/String} val If string it tests if the string is `true` for true, else assumes false
   * @return {String} Yes for true, No for false.
  yesNo: function yesNo(val) {
    return format.yesNo(val, argos.Format.yesText, argos.Format.noText);
   * Takes a boolean value and returns the string T or F for true or false
   * @param {Boolean/String} val If string it tests if the string is `true` for true, else assumes false
   * @return {String} T for true, F for false.
  bool: function bool(val) {
    return format.bool(val, argos.Format.trueText, argos.Format.falseText);
   * Takes a string and converts all new lines `\n` to HTML `<br>` elements.
   * @param {String} val String with newlines
   * @return {String} String with replaced `\n` with `<br>`
  nl2br: format.nl2br,
   * Takes a number of minutes and turns it into the string: `'n hours m minutes'`
   * @param {Number/String} val Number of minutes, will be `parseFloat` before operations and fixed to 2 decimal places
   * @return {String} A string representation of the minutes as `'n hours m minutes'`
  timespan: function timespan(val) {
    const f = argos.Format;
    return format.timespan(val, f.hoursText, f.hourText, f.minutesText, f.minuteText);
   * Takes a 2D array of `[[x,y],[x,y]]` number coordinates and draws them onto the provided canvas
   * The first point marks where the "pen" starts, each sequential point is then "drawn to" as if holding a
   * pen on paper and moving the pen to the new point.
   * @param {Number[][]} vector A series of x,y coordinates in the format of: `[[0,0],[1,5]]`
   * @param {HTMLElement} canvas The `<canvas>` element to be drawn on
   * @param {Object} options Canvas options: scale, lineWidth and penColor.
  canvasDraw: format.canvasDraw,
   * Returns the image data (or img element) for a series of vectors
   * @param {Number[][]} vector A series of x,y coordinates in the format of: `[[0,0],[1,5]]`. These will be drawn sequentially as one line.
   * @param {Object} options Canvas options: scale, lineWidth and penColor.
   * @param {Boolean} html Flag for returning image as a data-uri or as a stringified `<img>` element.
   * @return {String} The encoded data of the drawn image, optionally wrapped in `<img>` if html was passed as true
  imageFromVector: format.imageFromVector,
   * Takes a string phone input and attempts to match it against the predefined
   * phone formats - if a match is found it is returned formatted if not it is returned
   * as is.
   * @param val {String} String inputted phone number to format
   * @param asLink {Boolean} True to put the phone in an anchor element pointing to a tel: uri
   * @returns {String}
   * Takes a string input and converts A-Z to their respective phone number character
   * `1800CALLME` -> `1800225563`
   * @param val
   * @returns {String}
  alphaToPhoneNumeric: format.alphaToPhoneNumeric,
  fileSize: function fileSize(size) {
    return format.fileSize(size, argos.Format.bytesText);

export default __class;