Source: argos-sdk/src/Fields/_Field.js

/* Copyright (c) 2010, Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @class argos.Fields._Field
 * @classdesc Field is the base class for all field controls. It describes all the functions a field should support giving no implementation itself, merely a shell. The one function that `_Field` does provide that most fields leave untouched is `validate`.
 * All fields are dijit Widgets meaning it goes through the same lifecycle and has all the Widget functionality.
 * @mixins argos._ActionMixin
 * @mixins argos._Templated
 * @requires argos.FieldManager
import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';
import lang from 'dojo/_base/lang';
import string from 'dojo/string';
import _WidgetBase from 'dijit/_WidgetBase';
import _ActionMixin from '../_ActionMixin';
import _Templated from '../_Templated';

const __class = declare('argos.Fields._Field', [_WidgetBase, _ActionMixin, _Templated], /** @lends argos.Fields._Field# */ {
   * @property {View}
   * View that controls the field.
  owner: false,
   * @property {String}
   * If defined it will use the applyTo string when getting and setting properties from
   * the SData object instead of the `property` property.
  applyTo: false,
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Signifies that the field should always be included when the form calls {@link Edit#getValues getValues}.
  alwaysUseValue: false,
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Indicates the disabled state
  disabled: false,
   * @property {Boolean}
   * Indicates the visibility state
  hidden: false,
   * This applies a default value when inserting a new record, the default value
   * is applied after the template entry but before the context and changes are applied.
   * Note the word `default` must be in quotes as default is a reserved word in javascript.
  default: undefined,
   * @property {String}
   * The unique (within the current form) name of the field
  name: null,
   * @property {String}
   * The text that will, by default, show to the left of a field.
  label: null,
   * @property {String}
   * The SData property that the field will be bound to.
  property: null,
   * @property {String}
   * The registered name of the field that gets mapped in {@link FieldManager FieldManager} when
   * the field is constructed
  type: null,

   * @property {Boolean}
   * Flag to indicate if this field should be focused when the form is shown.
  autoFocus: false,

  app: null,
  reui: null,
  highlightCls: 'field-highlight',

   * @property {Simplate}
   * Simplate used to define the fields HTML Markup
  widgetTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<input data-dojo-attach-point="inputNode">',
   * @property {HTMLElement}
   * The parent container element of the field.
  containerNode: null,
   * Passed options object will be mixed into the field, overwriting any defaults.
   * @param {Object} o Override options
   * @constructs
  constructor: function constructor(o) {
    lang.mixin(this, o);

    if ( === null) { = window.App;

    if (this.reui === null) {
      this.reui = window.ReUI;
   * Focuses the input for the field
  focus: function focus() {},
   * Inserts the field into the given DOM node using dijit Widget `placeAt(node)` and saves
   * a reference to it to `this.containerNode`.
   * @param {HTMLElement} node Target node to insert the field into
  renderTo: function renderTo(node) {
    this.containerNode = node; // todo: should node actually be containerNode instead of last rendered node?
   * Calledd during app startup after all fields have been inserted into the view
   * @template
  init: function init() {},
   * Determines if the fields' value has changed from the original value. Each field type
   * should override this function and provide one tailored to its datatype.
   * @template
   * @return {Boolean} True if the value has been modified (dirty).
  isDirty: function isDirty() {
    return true;
   * Sets disabled to false and fires {@link #onEnable onEnable}.
  enable: function enable() {
    this.disabled = false;
   * Sets disabled to true and fires {@link #onDisable onDisable}.
  disable: function disable() {
    this.disabled = true;
   * Returns the disabled state
   * @return {Boolean}
  isDisabled: function isDisabled() {
    return this.disabled;
   * Sets hidden to false and fires {@link #onShow onShow}.
  show: function show() {
    this.hidden = false;
   * Sets hidden to true and fires {@link #onHide onHide}.
  hide: function hide() {
    this.hidden = true;
   * Returns the hidden state
   * @return {Boolean}
  isHidden: function isHidden() {
    return this.hidden;
   * Each field type will need to implement this function to return the value of the field.
   * @template
  getValue: function getValue() {},
   * Each field type will need to implement this function to set the value and represent the change visually.
   * @param {String/Boolean/Number/Object} val The value to set
   * @param {Boolean} initial If true the value is meant to be the default/original/clean value.
   * @template
  setValue: function setValue(/* val, initial*/) {},
   * Each field type will need to implement this function to clear the value and visually.
   * @template
  clearValue: function clearValue() {},
   * The validate function determines if there is any errors - meaning it will return false for a "Error free" field.
   * ###Basic Flow:
   * * loops over each `validator` defined on the field
   * * Evaluate the result
   *    * If the validator is a RegExp, use return `!regExp.test(value)`
   *    * If the validator is a function, call and return the result of the function passing the value, _Field instance, and the `owner` property.
   *    * If the validator is an object and has a `test` key, follow the RegExp path.
   *    * If the validator is an object and has a `fn` key, follow the function path.
   * * If the result is true and the validator is an object with a `message` key:
   *   * If message is a function, call and return the result of the function passing the value, _Field instance and the `owner` property.
   *   * Otherwise, assume it is a string format and call dojo's `string.substitute` using the message as the format, `${0}` as the value, `${1}` as the fields name, `${2}` as the fields label property.
   *   * Save the result of the function or string substitution as the result itself.
   * * Return the result.
   * @param value Value of the field, if not passed then {@link #getValue getValue} is used.
   * @return {Boolean/Object} False signifies that everything is okay and the field is valid, `true` or a `string message` indicates that it failed.
  validate: function validate(value) {
    if (typeof this.validator === 'undefined') {
      return false;

    const all = Array.isArray(this.validator) ? this.validator : [this.validator];

    for (let i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
      const current = all[i];
      let definition;

      if (current instanceof RegExp) {
        definition = {
          test: current,
      } else if (typeof current === 'function') {
        definition = {
          fn: current,
      } else {
        definition = current;

      const newValue = typeof value === 'undefined' ? this.getValue() : value;

      let result = false;
      if (typeof definition.fn === 'function') {
        result = || this, newValue, this, this.owner);
      } else if (definition.test instanceof RegExp) {
        result = !definition.test.test(newValue);

      if (result) {
        if (definition.message) {
          result = typeof definition.message === 'function' ? || this, newValue, this, this.owner) : string.substitute(definition.message, [newValue,, this.label]);

        return result;

    return false;
   * Event that fires when the field is enabled
   * @param {_Field} field The field itself
   * @template
  onEnable: function onEnable(/* field*/) {},
   * Event that fires when the field is disabled
   * @param {_Field} field The field itself
   * @template
  onDisable: function onDisable(/* field*/) {},
   * Event that fires when the field is shown
   * @param {_Field} field The field itself
   * @template
  onShow: function onShow(/* field*/) {},
   * Event that fires when the field is hidden
   * @param {_Field} field The field itself
   * @template
  onHide: function onHide(/* field*/) {},
   * Event that fires when the field is changed
   * @param {_Field} field The field itself
   * @template
  onChange: function onChange(/* value, field*/) {},

export default __class;