Source: argos-sdk/src/Dialogs/Modal.js

import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';
import Deferred from 'dojo/Deferred';
import _WidgetBase from 'dijit/_WidgetBase';
import _Templated from '../_Templated';
import getResource from '../I18n';

const resource = getResource('modal');

 * @class argos.Dialogs.Modal
const __class = declare('argos.Dialogs.Modal', [_WidgetBase, _Templated], /** @lends argos.Dialogs.Modal# */{
  widgetTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="modal__container" data-dojo-attach-point="modalContainer">',
    '{%! $.modalTemplate %}',
    '{%! $.modalOverlayTemplate %}',
  dialogContentTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="modal__header__title">{%: $.title %}</div>',
    '<p class="modal__content__text">{%: $.content %}</p>',
  modalContentTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="modal__content">',
  modalTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div id="{%= $.id %}" class="crm-modal panel" data-dojo-attach-point="modalNode">',
  modalToolbarTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="modal__toolbar">',
  modalOverlayTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="modal__overlay modal__overlay--hidden" data-dojo-attach-point="overlay">',
   * Simplate that returns a button
   * @param class: css class to be applied to the div
   * @param text: string for the button
   * @param action: string representing the function that the button will call
   * @param context: the context of the action
  buttonTemplate: new Simplate([
    '<div class="button {%= $.className %}">{%= $.text %}</div>',

  id: 'modal-template',
  _actionListeners: null,
  _bodyOverflow: null,
  _content: null,
  _history: [],
  defaultHeaderText: {
    alert: resource.alertText,
    complete: resource.completeText,
    edit: resource.editText,
    warning: resource.warningText,
  defaultToolbarActions: {
    cancel: function cancel() { return this.hide; },
    resolve: function resolve() { return this.resolveDeferred; },
  defaultToolbarText: {
    cancel: resource.cancelText,
    confirm: resource.confirmText,
    okay: resource.okayText,
    submit: resource.submitText,
  disableClose: false,
  historyLength: 5,
  lockScroll: true,
  trackHistory: true,
  showToolbar: true,
  showOverlay: true,

  constructor: function constructor() {
    this._actionListeners = [];
  _lockScroll: function _lockScroll() {
    if (this.lockScroll) {
      this._bodyOverflow = $(document.body).css('overflow');
      $(document.body).css('overflow', 'hidden');
    return this;
  _unlockScroll: function _unlockScroll() {
    $(document.body).css('overflow', this._bodyOverflow || '');
   * Used to change the content of the modal node (aka what is displayed)
   * Modals can only show one at a time and will be centered on the screen
   * @param content: object representing the current content of the modal
   * @param toolbarActions: array of actions to make up the modal toolbar using buttonTemplate.
   * In order to get the promise data you must pass an item with action 'resolve'
   * To hide the modal pass a toolbar item with action 'cancel'
  add: function add(content = {}, toolbarActions = [], options = {}) {
    content._deferred = new Deferred();
    if (toolbarActions.length) {
      this.showToolbar = true;
    } else {
      this.showToolbar = false;
    return content._deferred.promise;
  attachContainerListener: function attachContainerListener() {
    $(this.modalContainer).on('click', this.onContainerClick.bind(this));
    return this;
  createModalToolbar: function createModalToolbar(toolbarActions = []) {
    if (this.showToolbar) {
      const toolbar = $(this.modalToolbarTemplate.apply(this));
      toolbarActions.forEach((toolbarItem) => {
        if (this.defaultToolbarActions[toolbarItem.action]) {
          toolbarItem.action = this.defaultToolbarActions[toolbarItem.action].bind(this)();
          toolbarItem.context = this;
        const item = $(this.buttonTemplate.apply(toolbarItem, this));
        $(item).on('click', toolbarItem.action.bind(toolbarItem.context));
    return this;
  createSimpleAlert: function createSimpleAlert(options = {}) {
    const dialog = {
      title: this.defaultHeaderText[options.title] || options.title,
      content: options.content,
      getContent: options.getContent,
    const toolbar = [{
      action: 'resolve',
      className: 'button--flat button--flat--split',
      text: resource.okayText,
    return this.add(dialog, toolbar);
  createSimpleDialog: function createSimpleDialog(options = {}) {
    const dialog = {
      title: this.defaultHeaderText[options.title] || options.title,
      content: options.content,
      getContent: options.getContent,
    const toolbar = [
        action: 'cancel',
        className: 'button--flat button--flat--split',
        text: this.defaultToolbarText[options.leftButton] || resource.cancelText,
      }, {
        action: 'resolve',
        className: 'button--flat button--flat--split',
        text: this.defaultToolbarText[options.rightButton] || resource.okayText,
    return this.add(dialog, toolbar);
  getHistory: function getHistory() {
    return this._history;
   * Hide the modalContainer to avoid capturing events
  hide: function hide() {
    if (!this.disableClose) {
      if (this._content && this._content.destroy) {
      if (this.showToolbar) {
      if (this.showOverlay) {
    return this;
  isNotSimpleDialog: function isNotSimpleDialog() {
    if (this._content.domNode) {
      return true;
    return false;
  onContainerClick: function onContainerClick(evt) {
    if (evt.srcElement === this.modalContainer || evt.srcElement === this.overlay) {
  place: function place(parent) {
    if (parent) {
    return this;
  popHistory: function popHistory() {
    return this._history.pop();
  pushHistory: function pushHistory(content) {
    if (content && this._history.length < this.historyLength) {
    } else {
    return this;
  removeContainerListener: function removeContainerListener() {
    return this;
  removeActionListeners: function removeActionListeners() {
    if (this._actionListeners) {
      this._actionListeners.forEach((listener) => {;

      this._actionListeners = [];
    return this;
  resolveDeferred: function resolveDeferred() {
    let data = {};
    if (this._content && this._content.getContent) {
      data = this._content.getContent();
    } else {
      if (this.isNotSimpleDialog()) {
        console.log('Modal content does not have a getContent function call to retrieve the data, add this to allow data to be returned'); // eslint-disable-line
    return this;
  setContent: function setContent(content) {
    if (content) {
      this._content = content;
      content._modalNode = this;
    return this;
  show: function show() {
    if (this.showOverlay) {
    return this;
  showContent: function showContent(options = {}) {
    if (this._content && {;
      const content = $(this.modalContentTemplate.apply(this));
      $(content).append(this._content.domNode || this._content);
    } else {
      if (this.isNotSimpleDialog()) {
        console.log('Current modal content does not have a show function, did you forget to add this?'); // eslint-disable-line
      } else {
        const content = $(this.modalContentTemplate.apply(this));
        const simpleDialog = $(this.dialogContentTemplate.apply(this._content, this));
    return this;
  updateZIndex: function updateZIndex(above) {
    if (above) {
      let value = $(above).css('zIndex');
      if (!value || value === 'auto') {
        value = 0;
      $(this.modalContainer).css('zIndex', value);
      $(this.modalNode).css('zIndex', value + 1);
      return this;

export default __class;