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Saleslogix SData Endpoints Whitepaper

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PickLists System Endpoint


The pick list system endpoint provides GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE access to the pick list attributes in both Atom and JSON/BSON formats. The endpoint also supports standard payload options such as filtering, sorting, and paging. A relationship property endpoint is available for pick list items. Access to pick list items is also made possible through the use of nested payloads.


A pick list definition consists of attribute settings and list items. User interfaces apply pick list attribute settings to enforce security and business rules for individual pick lists. For example, there are attributes that specify whether the items of a pick list are editable and whether multiple items can be selected.

Pick lists are administered through the Pick List Manager which is available to the system administrator and users who have been assigned the appropriate administrative role. Pick lists can also be administered in the Sage SalesLogix Web Client. For more information, refer to the "Managing Pick Lists" help topic in the Sage SalesLogix Administrator and "What are Pick Lists?" help topic in the Web Client help systems.

Endpoint Segments

Component Name Purpose Example
/pickLists Resource kind Returns attribute information for all pick lists
('id') Resource selector Selects a specific pick list /pickLists('kSYST0000331')
/items Relationship property Returns items of the selected pick list without the pick list attribute information /pickLists('kSYST0000331')/items
where Filters feed results /pickLists?where=name like '%Skill%'
select Selects the properties that will be returned in the payload. /pickLists?select=name
include Expands children in the payload. /pickLists('kSYST0000331')?include=items

Errors and Warnings

Requesting a pick list that does not exist generates one of the following:

All the standard SData errors apply (for example, malformed URLs or payloads and missing If-Match header during updates.)

Sample Calls

List all pick lists:


Look up a pick list by ID:


Or any predicate expression that returns a single resource, for example:

/slx/system/-/picklists(name eq 'Skill Category')

Look up a pick list by name:

/slx/system/-/pickLists(name eq 'Region')

Include the pick list items in the payload with the pick list attribute values:


List all items for a pick list by ID (without the pick list attributes):


List all items for a pick list by name:

/slx/system/-/pickLists(name eq 'Opportunity Cycle')/items

Select only the text for each item:


Order items by the definition sort order:


Order items alphabetically:


Code Samples Using SData Client Libraries

Create a new pick list

var client = new SDataClient(BaseUri + "slx/system/-")
        UserName = UserName,
        Password = Password
var pickList = new
        name = "TestPickList",
        allowMultiples = true,
        valueMustExist = true,
        required = true,
        alphaSorted = true,
        noneEditable = true,
        items = new[]
                        text = "Text1",
                        code = "Code1",
                        number = 1
                        text = "Text2",
                        code = "Code2",
                        number = 2
await client.PostAsync(pickList, "pickLists");

Update an new pick list

var client = new SDataClient(BaseUri + "slx/system/-")
        UserName = UserName,
        Password = Password
var pickList = await client.Query("pickLists")
    .Fetch(x => x["items"])
    .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x["name"] == "TestPickList");
pickList["allowMultiples"] = false;
pickList["valueMustExist"] = false;
pickList["required"] = false;
pickList["alphaSorted"] = false;
pickList["noneEditable"] = false;
var items = (IList<SDataResource>) pickList["items"];
items[0]["code"] += "_CHANGED";
items[0]["number"] += "0";
items[1]["code"] += "_CHANGED";
items[1]["number"] += "0";
await client.PutAsync(pickList, "pickLists");

Delete an existing pick list

var client = new SDataClient(BaseUri + "slx/system/-")
        UserName = UserName,
        Password = Password
var pickList = await client.Query("pickLists").FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x["name"] == "TestPickList");
await client.DeleteAsync(pickList, "pickLists");

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